Anti-vibration installation performance measurement

Context & Issue

In dense urban areas, the construction and operation phases of tramway/metro lines are likely to generate noise and vibration pollution for nearby residents.

To mitigate this phenomenon, anti-vibration track systems are studied from the design phase onwards.

During the construction phase, it is necessary to confirm that the work has been carried out in accordance with the client’s specifications. Verification of the track’s anti-vibration performance  is generally requested by the project manager before and after the surfacing has been laid.



Anti-vibration installation control


Expertise and a validated control process


Responsiveness and flexibility

Control during construction

The filtration efficiency of the track bed is measured at several points along the line.

During the construction phase, artificial excitation is used to stress the anti-vibration system. Filtration quality is assessed by comparing vibrations upstream and downstream of the anti-vibration material.

These measurements are used to confirm that the materials used are compliant in terms of vibration attenuation, and that the track-laying work has been carried out correctly.

Validation during network commissioning

The performance of the anti-vibration system is measured during the passage of tramway trains. Measurements can be taken right up to the thresholds of nearby buildings.

Visual confirmation and measurements are used to verify that the surfacing has been properly installed and to evaluate sensitive points.

In the case of floating slabs, particular attention is paid to the execution of the work in order to identify any vibratory short-circuits.

Results and Benefits

  • Validation of anti-vibration installation performance
  • Expert support and a critical eye for sensitive areas
  • Decision support for the entire duration of the project

From project design with project managers to infrastructure maintenance with operators, we are at your side with our expertise in noise and vibration measurement.

Grateful for their confidence

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