Sip & Solve: How Can We Design Quiet Tracks for Trains, Trams & Metros?


Don’t miss our Vibracafé during Innotrans
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Date: 24-27 SEP 2024
Location: Vibratec, Hall 5.2, booth 380
Time: Every day at 13.30

    protection par reCAPTCHA

    Join us for an engaging coffee break session where we will explore how track designers and local residents can collaboratively develop tram, metro, and train lines that minimize noise and vibration impact on nearby communities.


    Key discussion points:

    • Effective collaboration between track designers and local residents
    • Innovative solutions for reducing noise impact in urban rail projects
    • Case studies and best practices in noise mitigation
    • The role of monitoring and AI in ensuring quieter tracks


    Let’s work together to create harmonious urban environments where transportation advancements and resident comfort go hand-in-hand.

    Don’t miss this chance to share your insights and learn from industry experts. Together, we can design the future of urban rail with a focus on reducing noise and enhancing community comfort.