CSR, or Corporate Social Responsibility, is an approach that aims to ensure that companies take social, environmental and ethical issues into account in their economic activity. In practical terms, this means that companies must act responsibly towards their stakeholders, i.e. employees, clients/customers, suppliers, shareholders, the local community and the planet as a whole. CSR can take the form of actions such as reducing carbon footprints, promoting diversity and inclusion, respecting human rights, or engaging in social and solidarity projects.

CSR Policy
More than a definition, CSR is expressed in actions
More about Vibratec
History, key figures, subsidiaries, businesses and more

Our employees embody diversity in their career paths. Whether they have gone through the classic route of preparatory classes plus engineering school or university, whether they have validated an academic or corporate doctorate, whether they come from a large group or have just completed a work-study program in a small design office, they all share the same passion for science.

Professional equality
80% men and 20% women
2 of the Group’s 3 companies are headed by women.
Nearly 40% of COMEX members are women.
The gender equality index is detailed here (ethics).

Our job openings
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Quality of life at work
Flexible work organization
All our jobs are permanent full time contracts. Part-time can be granted on request. As many women as men work part-time.
50% of employees telework regularly, one or two days a week, on a voluntary basis.
The agreement on the organization of working hours promotes work-life balance.
Health and safety system
Vibratec attaches great importance to complying with the laws and regulations in force in the various industries and countries in which its experts operate.
All employees benefit from the same medical coverage, regardless of their status. Coverage is superior to that provided by the collective bargaining agreement.
Skills enhancement / development of expertise and versatility
The organization’s matrix approach encourages teamwork to solve complex technical challenges. To maintain a high level of expertise, training and skills development are at the heart of the company’s concerns.
Figures: average of 80 hours of training per year / employee
Systematic integration mentoring over 12 to 18 months, depending on position
Vibratec is also committed to supporting students in their training. 6 work-study students are currently on the job, from vocational degrees to engineering diplomas. The company has numerous partnerships with French and international laboratories. One CIFRE thesis per year has been initiated within the Group over the past 10 years.
Many employees have gone back to school. Employees and technicians have been helped to return to school and obtain a Master’s degree or an engineering diploma.